Setting off on the Annapurna Base Camp trek means embarking on a grand adventure through the stunning Himalayas. This journey promises to take you through all sorts of landscapes, from lush forests to snowy mountains. Along the way, you’ll meet friendly locals, experience their way of life, and be awestruck by the incredible views. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the must-visit stops along the Annapurna Base Camp trek, giving you a glimpse of what each place has to offer.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is renowned for its stunning scenery, diverse landscapes, and cultural highlights. Along the trek, there are several popular stops that trekkers often visit to rest, acclimatize, and immerse themselves in the local culture. Here are some of the most popular stops along the Annapurna Base Camp trek:

Some of the most popular stops along the Annapurna Base Camp trek


Nayapul is the starting point of the Annapurna Base Camp trek for most trekkers. It is a bustling town located on the banks of the Modi Khola river, offering stunning views of the surrounding hills and mountains.Situated at the confluence of the Modi Khola and Bhurungdi Khola rivers, Nayapul offers scenic views of rushing waterways and verdant hillsides.Trekkers typically begin their journey here after a short drive from Pokhara. The town features guesthouses, tea shops, and stores where you can purchase any last-minute supplies or equipment.Nayapul marks the entry point to the Annapurna Conservation Area, where trekkers must register their permits before proceeding on the trek.


Ghorepani is a picturesque village known for its panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges. It is a popular stop for trekkers, offering comfortable teahouses, delicious food, and the opportunity to witness breathtaking sunrise views from Poon Hill.Ghorepani is a charming village located at an altitude of around 2,874 meters (9,429 feet) and is renowned for its stunning sunrise views over the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges.

Trekkers often stay in Ghorepani to ascend Poon Hill, a nearby viewpoint famous for its panoramic vistas. Watching the sunrise from Poon Hill is a highlight of the trek, offering breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks bathed in golden light.The village itself is dotted with teahouses, lodges, and shops selling local handicrafts, providing trekkers with a cozy atmosphere and a taste of traditional Nepali hospitality.


Tadapani is a small village nestled amidst rhododendron forests, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It is a popular overnight stop for trekkers, providing basic accommodation and a tranquil atmosphere.Tadapani is a tranquil village nestled amidst rhododendron forests, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains, including Annapurna South and Machhapuchhre.

Trekkers typically spend a night in Tadapani, enjoying the serene natural surroundings and comfortable accommodations offered by local teahouses.The village is an excellent spot for birdwatching, with a variety of bird species found in the surrounding forests, including colorful Himalayan monals and various species of pheasants.


Chhomrong is a charming Gurung village located on the way to Annapurna Base Camp. It is famous for its traditional architecture, terraced fields, and warm hospitality. Trekkers often stop here to rest, acclimatize, and explore the local culture.Chhomrong is a traditional Gurung village located at an altitude of around 2,170 meters (7,119 feet), known for its stone houses, terraced fields, and sweeping views of the Modi Khola valley.Trekkers often stop in Chhomrong to rest, acclimatize, and explore the local culture.

The village features cozy teahouses, shops, and a vibrant atmosphere, allowing visitors to experience the warmth and hospitality of the local community.Chhomrong is also a gateway to the Annapurna Sanctuary, with the trail leading from the village into the heart of the Himalayas towards Annapurna Base Camp.


Bamboo is a quaint village situated in a dense bamboo forest along the trekking route. It is a popular stopover for trekkers, offering basic accommodation and a serene natural environment.Bamboo is a small settlement situated in a dense bamboo forest along the trekking route to Annapurna Base Camp. It offers trekkers a serene natural environment and a peaceful atmosphere to rest and recharge.

The village is named after the bamboo groves that surround it, providing trekkers with shade and shelter from the sun. Accommodations in Bamboo are basic but comfortable, with teahouses offering simple meals and cozy lodging options.Bamboo is an ideal spot for birdwatching and wildlife spotting, with opportunities to see various bird species, including colorful pheasants, as well as monkeys and other wildlife endemic to the region.


Deurali is a small settlement located at an altitude of around 3,200 meters, surrounded by towering cliffs and waterfalls. It is a popular resting place for trekkers on their way to Annapurna Base Camp, offering stunning views and a peaceful atmosphere.

Deurali is a small settlement located at an altitude of around 3,200 meters (10,499 feet), nestled amidst towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and lush vegetation.Trekkers often stop in Deurali to rest and acclimatize before continuing their journey to Annapurna Base Camp Trek. The village offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and a tranquil atmosphere, making it an ideal place to relax and unwind. Deurali is also a popular spot for photography, with opportunities to capture dramatic landscapes, wildlife, and the beauty of the Himalayan wilderness.

Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC):

Machhapuchhre Base Camp is the last stop before reaching Annapurna Base Camp in Annapurna Base Camp trek. It is located at an altitude of around 3,700 meters, offering spectacular views of Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and other surrounding peaks. Trekkers often spend a night here before continuing their journey to Annapurna Base Camp.Machhapuchhre Base Camp is a temporary settlement located at an altitude of around 3,700 meters (12,139 feet), serving as the final stop before reaching Annapurna Base Camp.

Trekkers typically spend a night at Machhapuchhre Base Camp to rest and acclimatize before the final ascent to Annapurna Base Camp. The campsite offers stunning views of Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and surrounding peaks, providing trekkers with a preview of the breathtaking scenery awaiting them at Annapurna Base Camp.Machhapuchhre Base Camp is also a popular spot for stargazing, with clear night skies offering trekkers the opportunity to see countless stars and constellations against the backdrop of the Himalayan mountains.

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC):

Annapurna Base Camp is the ultimate destination of the trek, located at an altitude of around 4,130 meters. It offers breathtaking views of the Annapurna massif, including Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre, and Hiunchuli. Trekkers typically spend some time at the base camp, soaking in the awe-inspiring scenery before retracing their steps back down the trail.

These popular stops along the Annapurna Base Camp trek not only provide opportunities for rest and acclimatization but also offer unique cultural experiences and stunning natural beauty, making the trek an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the Himalayas.

Finishing the Annapurna Base Camp trek is more than just reaching a destination; it’s about experiencing the magic of the Himalayas and the warmth of the local culture. Each stop on the journey leaves you with unforgettable memories, from the breathtaking sunrise views in Ghorepani to the cozy villages of Chhomrong. As you say goodbye to the mountains and head back home, you’ll carry with you stories of adventure and moments of wonder that will stay with you forever. The Annapurna Base Camp trek isn’t just a trek; it’s a journey of a lifetime that leaves an everlasting mark on your heart.

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